Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Making of The Poster Box

The idea started awhile ago but I just recently had the courage to try it out. I, for some reason, have been wanting to collect some artworks( my works and also some of other great artists ) but every time I bought a poster I always rolled it up and could not find a proper space to store it. As time went by, I thought about making something cabinet-like to keep all the posters without having to roll them because I realized later that it kinda ruined the shape of the papers( they all curled up and could never stay flat again). 

As I have so many cardboard boxes left from my last project, I used them to make something simple like a rectangular box. To add some functions, I used masking tapes to adjoin the lid and the body to create a cover that can be open and close. I also used fastener strips to make the front side of the cabinet windows that can be open when the strips are removed as I thought they will come in handy when I need to look for things that end up at the bottom and are out of reach. On the shelf inside the cabinet, I layered some bubble cushions on top to reduce slippery.  

I had to make a lot of adjustments as I intended to fit it on a particular spot on the wall( because of the availability of the space in my room) and the location happened to be next to the door. I had to cut off a little bit of the side lid to avoid contact with the swinging door and it had to be mounted to the wall about two-three inches off the ground for stability reason( I didn't worry about its durability so much for all I wanted was to put some papers in it). I ended up using three long fastener strips to mound it and I think they work pretty good( as of now). The cabinet looks amateur-made but I like it and I think it is quite useful and hip. I had a lot of fun!

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