A true educated person isn't just someone who is smart, knowledgeable and successful but he also has to be able to make good use of the knowledge of others( or of something other than himself ), apply it to his own skill, and inspire on. He has to be able to improvise and incorporate with what has already been provided for him. Look at the traditional Japanese people. Thier farming relies mostly on gravity to transport water, their houses make the most advantage out of the trees, sunlight, wind and the earth.
Japanese carpenters( who are also architects) build their houses using joinery system that is so long-lasting, so easy to put together( without using nails or power tools ), so easy to fix, replace, and so easy to reuse and recycle. They make the most out of the geographical advantages; the siting of the house is an art of coexisting humans with nature( or vice versa ) with the least interference possible( it's IMPOSSIBLE not to interfere for existing is already an act of interfering ).